#StartupsEverywhere: Philadelphia, Penn.

#StartupsEverywhere: Philadelphia, Penn.

Availyst is a customizable delivery management platform that allows consumers to find and sort through local grocery, takeout, convenience, and spirit options. Mandy Poston, CEO of Availyst, spoke with us about her company, what policymakers can do to help bolster the success of new businesses, and the difficulties startups face trying to navigate American privacy law.

Startup News Digest 06/17/22

Startup News Digest 06/17/22

The Big Story: Possible federal privacy framework on the horizon. After years of discussions and negotiations, lawmakers are taking serious steps towards creating a much-needed federal privacy framework that would create consistency for startups and protections for consumers. Earlier this week, the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce held a hearing discussing the American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA)—a draft bipartisan, bicameral bill that is the first meaningful step towards a federal privacy law following years of negotiations. Subcommittee Chair Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) reportedly said this week that the subcommittee will consider and vote on the bill during a markup next week.

There’s a new bipartisan draft federal privacy law. What does it mean for startups?

There’s a new bipartisan draft federal privacy law. What does it mean for startups?

Congress is taking steps towards a much-needed federal privacy law that could help protect consumers while creating consistent obligations for startups. This week, the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on consumer protection and commerce held a hearing discussing the American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA). The ADPPA has support from key members of Congress on both sides of the aisle and in both chambers and would replace a state-by-state patchwork of privacy laws, helping startups by easing compliance costs and lowering barriers. Engine has been a longtime advocate for such a law and commends lawmakers for taking an important step in developing a federal privacy standard.

#StartupsEverywhere: Austin, Tex.

#StartupsEverywhere: Austin, Tex.

Legal Karma is a software platform designed to expand the availability of legal services through a contract automation system that supports legal firms. Kory Kelly, Founder & CEO of Legal Karma, spoke with us about his business, the importance of programs that support founders through the process of building a startup, and the burdens that the differences in state tax and employment laws can place on startups hiring remote workers.

IP Recap - 06/15/2022

IP Recap - 06/15/2022

Standard-essential patents (SEPs) are getting increasing attention in policy debates. For example, the Biden administration recently withdrew a problematic SEP policy from 2019, but has not yet replaced it with anything. In late 2021, federal agencies published a draft SEP policy that signaled promising steps towards restoring balance—balance that could free up more space for innovation, improve the landscape for competition in connected devices and beyond, and promote affordable consumer access to the latest technology. But the nation is still waiting for a decision on that 2021 draft policy, and it remains to be seen what last week’s withdrawal of existing policy without a replacement means. This is a complex area of patent law, which big companies (often foreign companies) dominate. It can feel very opaque to outsiders, but everyone, including startups, has a lot at stake in conversations around balanced SEP policy. Especially as we move towards broader adoption of 5G and Internet of Things (IoT) technology, domestic startups have a vital perspective that has to be accounted for as the government moves towards more balanced SEP implementation and enforcement.

State Policy Update: Startups need a solution for post-Wayfair sales tax administration

State Policy Update: Startups need a solution for post-Wayfair sales tax administration

As lawmakers turn back to a long-running conversation about a patchwork of state sales tax frameworks, startups need reprieve from high compliance costs and a permanent solution to help them succeed. Today, the Senate Finance Committee is holding a hearing “Examining the Impact of South Dakota v. Wayfair on Small Businesses and Remote Sales.”

Startup News Digest 06/10/22

Startup News Digest 06/10/22

The Big Story: Patent Quality Week examines impact, reach, importance of balanced patent system. Today we close out our second annual Patent Quality Week where we—alongside startup leaders, experts, and industries across the country—set out to demystify the complex patent system and highlight the important ways in which it impacts every person and business in the U.S. With a better understanding of how the system operates, and all the ways we encounter it, we can chart a path to ensure patent policy works for every entrepreneur, innovator, and individual. And we can make sure everyone has a voice in the system.

What we heard from startups this Patent Quality Week

What we heard from startups this Patent Quality Week

The U.S. patent system impacts the lives and affects the work of every person and business across the country—including startups. But when the system becomes too complex or burdensome, when bad actors and invalid patents stand in the way of innovation, the system can block the progress it is supposed to foster. And oftentimes small businesses, the public, and even policymakers are in the dark about the system’s problems, frustrating our ability to solve them. That’s why during our second annual Patent Quality Week, Engine and the Developers Alliance hosted a conversation with startup leaders across the country about the various, sometimes harmful, ways they experience the patent system.

#StartupsEverywhere: Portland, Ore.

#StartupsEverywhere: Portland, Ore.

Founded in Portland, Oregon, Lithic Tech builds software for startups, non-profits, and other teams, and assists clients in launching new products with a strong foundation. We talked to Co-Founder Rob Galankis about his programming background, the importance of business incubators in smaller tech hubs, and how policymakers can craft reasonable patent laws and financial programs that enable innovators from all backgrounds to have the flexibility they need to take risks and grow.

Startup News Digest 06/03/22

Startup News Digest 06/03/22

The Big Story: JOBS Act 4.0 could create more opportunities for startups. Policymakers are considering a sweeping package of proposals that could increase opportunities for startups to access capital and reduce regulatory barriers that make existing opportunities difficult. In comments to the Republican leadership of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, Engine explained how the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act 4.0—as well as potential modifications and additions to the bill—could incentivize investment, open up more avenues for would-be investors, and advance equitable access the startup ecosystem.

Startup News Digest 05/27/22

Startup News Digest 05/27/22

The Big Story: Indo-Pacific framework could advance digital trade priorities for startups. Early this week during his visit to Japan, President Biden announced the launch of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) with 12 countries in the region. The framework—first outlined last year and including Australia, Brunei, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam—is the administration’s primary trade engagement in the region and promises to touch on digital trade issues important to startups, like data flows and regulation of emerging technologies.

#StartupsEverywhere: San Ramon, Calif.

#StartupsEverywhere: San Ramon, Calif.

Raydiant Oximetry, Inc. has developed a low-cost, non-invasive biomedical device to monitor oxygen levels in fetal blood and improve outcomes of both mothers and their children during childbirth. Neil P. Ray, Founder and CEO, opened up about his medical professional background, how Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) funding has impacted his company, and how policymakers can better support innovation that addresses the country’s critical needs.

Global tax deal continues to face hurdles

Global tax deal continues to face hurdles

This summer marks one year since the leaders of the G-20 agreed to endorse a tax deal to eventually implement a global minimum corporate tax rate, which promised to create consistency around the world and fewer opportunities for passed-down costs for startups. But officials around the world are hitting road bumps as they attempt to bring their countries’ policies in line with the deal, making a global framework by the end of 2023 unlikely.

Startup News Digest 05/20/22

Startup News Digest 05/20/22

The Big Story: Tech waits to see if SCOTUS will let Texas social media law stand. The Internet ecosystem is waiting to see whether the Supreme Court will issue an emergency stay of a lower court ruling from last week that would limit Internet companies’ ability to remove harmful content. The emergency stay could come as early as today. This week, Engine joined the Chamber of Progress and over 20 Internet advocacy groups and civil society organizations in a brief to the court urging them to reverse the Fifth Circuit decision, which overruled a lower court ruling that kept a 2021 Texas social media law from going into effect.

#StartupsEverywhere: Los Angeles, Calif.

#StartupsEverywhere: Los Angeles, Calif.

Los Angeles-based Camino Financial supports entrepreneurs and small business owners from disadvantaged communities through its AI-powered direct lending platform. We sat down with Co-Founder and COO, Kenneth Salas, to learn more about the work his company is doing. He also spoke with us about the use of artificial intelligence, the importance of support for local startup ecosystems, and the benefits of a policy landscape that incentivizes investment in new, innovative companies.

Startup News Digest 05/13/22

Startup News Digest 05/13/22

The Big Story: Big week for Biden’s broadband efforts. The Biden administration is honing in on broadband expansion this week with new partnerships with Internet providers to ensure low-cost broadband for low-income Americans and the kickoff of a program to make available $45 billion for state broadband initiatives. Reliable, accessible, affordable broadband is crucial to the startup ecosystem and innovators across the country.

#StartupsEverywhere: Denver, Colo.

#StartupsEverywhere: Denver, Colo.

George Hristov has found himself in a number of different roles within the startup ecosystem. Currently, he serves as Community Manager for Denver-based Colorado Startups, a community-building organization for founders, investors, and others to develop their startup network and share resources that can help them in their career pursuits. We spoke with George about what led him to Colorado Startups, how they approach building their startup community, and how policymakers can help develop environments that encourage innovative entrepreneurship.

Startup News Digest 05/06/22

Startup News Digest 05/06/22

The Big Story: Administration action easing student loan debt could spur entrepreneurship. With student debt forgiveness back in the news, policymakers have an opportunity to ease the tough road to entrepreneurship, especially for underrepresented founders. Last week, the Biden administration indicated an intent to enact student loan forgiveness in the coming weeks, as millions of borrowers continue to struggle with high federal student debt balances. While the details are still unclear on what exactly forgiveness would look like and who would be eligible, one thing is clear: excessive student loan debt serves as a barrier to entrepreneurship for many.

#StartupsEverywhere: San Francisco, Ca.

#StartupsEverywhere: San Francisco, Ca.

Nixsheets is an innovative workflow and automation platform for accounting teams. By combining several software categories, Nixsheets simplifies accounting and reduces manual work. We spoke with Founder and CEO Sal Abdulla about how his varied background in finance and politics led him to launch his own company, the gap Nixsheets fills in the current market, the burdens of a state-by-state patchwork of privacy laws, and how policymakers can help facilitate (or at least not frustrate) critical interoperability.