Startup founders travel to Capitol Hill with Engine to talk content moderation

Startup founders travel to Capitol Hill with Engine to talk content moderation

When policymakers think about changing the rules for how companies host and moderate user content, they focus on three or four large Internet companies. But we know from talking to startups across the country every day that all kinds of companies host user content online. They may not be the companies that are top of mind when policymakers write rules, but they’re the companies least equipped to deal with compliance and litigation costs designed with the large industry players in mind.

We made a video game to show the highs and lows of the startup experience

We made a video game to show the highs and lows of the startup experience

The startup ecosystem is incredibly broad and diverse, with startup founders launching small businesses with different business models, in different industries, and in cities and towns across the country. But one thing that startup founders from across the spectrum share the knowledge of how difficult it is to run a startup. Founders are often faced with hard choices about how to invest their already limited time and resources against a policy backdrop—which impacts business decisions, investment opportunities, compliance requirements, and more—that can change on a dime and is often written without startups in mind.

Startup News Digest 04/29/22

Startup News Digest 04/29/22

The Big Story: EU advances overhaul of content moderation rules. Early Saturday morning, the European Union reached an agreement on a final version of landmark legislation to govern online intermediaries hosting user content in the EU. The legislation, known as the Digital Services Act (DSA), will build on existing EU law and create new obligations for companies—including startups—that will require additional staff, development of new tools, and attention toward compliance in order to serve users in the EU.

#StartupsEverywhere: Atlanta, Ga.

#StartupsEverywhere: Atlanta, Ga.

Brandon Winfield is the Founder & CEO of Atlanta-based iAccess Innovations. After facing his own challenges finding spaces that would be accessible to his own mobility range, he decided to build a space where people with disabilities could share their accessibility experiences with public businesses and spaces. We spoke to Brandon about his journey building his company, the challenges of moderating user content as a small platform, and his company’s work to train other businesses on disability etiquette and inclusion.

Startup News Digest 04/22/22

Startup News Digest 04/22/22

The Big Story: Startups should be prominent voice in merger guidelines re-write. This week, Engine submitted comments in response to a request for information (RFI) from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) Antitrust Division on merger enforcement. The agencies issued the RFI in January as they move toward re-writing the merger guidelines, guidance that outlines how the agencies will analyze prospective mergers, which is traditionally relied on by the agencies, companies, and courts alike. Sound merger enforcement that mitigates illegal anticompetitive behavior is important for startup success, but policymakers must balance those potential harms with the benefits of acquisitions. If the new guidelines are too restrictive, they risk burdening legal transactions—including those of startups, thereby limiting startups’ exit opportunities and stemming the flow of capital in the startup ecosystem.

#StartupsEverywhere: Tysons, Va.

#StartupsEverywhere: Tysons, Va.

Enployable is a new AI-powered platform that matches job openings with potential candidates through systems that identify cultural and personal priorities for all parties involved. Based in Tysons, Virginia, Founder and CEO Laura Truncellito walked us through the company’s platform and goals, the importance of building equitable artificial intelligence systems, and how she thinks policymakers can support AI startups.

Startup News Digest 04/15/22

Startup News Digest 04/15/22

Startups urge PTO director to prioritize balance and inclusion. This week, over 50 startups, investors, and innovation support organizations sent a letter to congratulate Kathi Vidal on her new role as Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) and to urge her to lead the agency with an eye towards the needs and experiences of the nation’s tech startups. For the startup ecosystem, the patent system can play a valuable role toward supporting innovation, but it has just as much potential to stifle progress when it isn’t working well.

#StartupsEverywhere: Westwood, Mass.

#StartupsEverywhere: Westwood, Mass.

Scroobious is an online platform and community connecting early-stage founders to investors and partners. Their Pitch it Plan™ provides founders with unique resources and tools for success throughout the pitching process. We spoke with Founder and CEO Allison Byers on how her platform has given her unique perspectives on underrepresented founders, what it means to be both a mother and an entrepreneur, and how policymakers can better support the tech ecosystem.

Letter Urges PTO Leadership to Prioritize Startups, Engage Their Voices

Letter Urges PTO Leadership to Prioritize Startups, Engage Their Voices

Letter Urges PTO Leadership to Prioritize Startups, Engage Their Voices. Today, over fifty startups, entrepreneurs, innovation support organizations, and investors from across the country joined in a letter to the incoming Director of the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO), Kathi Vidal, urging her to engage with the needs and experiences of startups and small business innovators.

Startup News Digest 04/08/22

Startup News Digest 04/08/22

As JOBS Act turns 10, capital access policies back in the spotlight. This week, policymakers are turning their attention to opening up avenues for capital access. Ahead of the 10th anniversary of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act, Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) and Senate Banking Committee Republicans unveiled a draft for the JOBS Act 4.0, focused on accelerating economic growth and spurring new business formation.

#StartupsEverywhere: Chicago, Ill.

#StartupsEverywhere: Chicago, Ill.

Chicago:Blend is a non-profit ecosystem support organization founded by a group of venture capitalists. Its purpose is to bridge equity gaps for underrepresented funders and founders and ensure that diversity, equity, and inclusion remain integral parts of Chicago’s VC industry. We had the chance to talk with Executive Director Joey Mak about why representation is essential to societal and economic progress, and how venture capitalists can help keep equitable access at the top of policymakers’ minds.

Startup News Digest 04/01/22

Startup News Digest 04/01/22

The Big Story: Potential privacy bill back on the table. Policymakers across the aisle and in both chambers are restarting conversations about creating a long-awaited, comprehensive privacy bill. Conversations about a federal privacy bill aren’t new for this Congress, and the issue has remained a top priority for the startup ecosystem for years.

#StartupsEverywhere: Omaha, Neb.

#StartupsEverywhere: Omaha, Neb.

Job Share Connect is a digital platform that provides a way for employees and employers to explore the world of job sharing. Their software enables interested candidates to look for job share opportunities and to match with potential job share partners. Co-Founder and Co-CEO Jessica Charlsen told us about what led her to Job Share Connect, the benefits of job sharing, and how policymakers can better support entrepreneurs through public policies that support accessing capital outside traditional technology hubs.

Startup News Digest 03/25/22

Startup News Digest 03/25/22

Big story: New copyright bill would increase cost, risk for startups that host user content. Last week, Senators Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) and Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) introduced the Strengthening Measures to Advance Rights Technologies Copyright Act of 2022—legislation that would amend Section 512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). While the bill is ostensibly aimed at large Internet platforms, it would tee up complex and costly frameworks for Internet startups that encounter user-generated content like comments, reviews, or original artwork.

Startup News Digest 03/18/22

Startup News Digest 03/18/22

Big story: FCC digs into digital discrimination. This week, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to kickstart proceedings to tackle digital discrimination—the lack of reliable, accessible, and affordable broadband in certain communities across the country—which creates barriers for would-be startup founders, especially underrepresented founders.

Startup News Digest 03/11/22

Startup News Digest 03/11/22

The Big Story: Startups, tech groups, and more urge Congress to remove harmful trademark bill from innovation legislation. This week, Engine joined an expansive coalition of industry, civil society, and academic voices in urging Congress to remove a problematic bill that would dramatically shift the landscape for e-commerce startups and small, online businesses from must-pass legislative proposals.