Patents were developed to encourage openness in the innovation space and to protect inventors. Unfortunately, startups frequently face abusive patent litigation by “patent trolls” — companies that take advantage of a broken software patent system and operate by collecting fees on software patent licenses, instead of making products and contributing to technological innovation. Meanwhile, new distribution technologies are making it easier for anyone to reach a broad audience, which is why we need balanced copyright laws that allow these new technologies and their creators to succeed.
Artificial intelligence, innovation funding, spectrum left off of Congress’ 2024 to-do list
The recent legislative and agency efforts directed at regulating digital replicas of individuals’ name, image, and likeness (NIL) have the potential to harm startups’ access to the artificial intelligence (AI) ecosystem and chill innovation.
Privacy bill stumbles, but startups still need a uniform federal framework
Lawmakers lament detriment to startups of Trade Rep’s digital trade reversal