
Startup News Digest 07/12/24

Startup News Digest 07/12/24

Congress needs to act on child care challenges

Startup News Digest 06/14/24

Startup News Digest 06/14/24

Startup founders come to D.C. calling for policies to enable innovation for all

Startup News Digest 06/07/24

Startup News Digest 06/07/24

Legal setback threatens resources for underrepresented founders

Startup News Digest 05/10/24

Startup News Digest 05/10/24

State AI laws spark specter of burdensome patchwork

Startup News Digest 05/03/24

Startup News Digest 05/03/24

Ownership disclosure law creates burdens for startups

Startup News Digest 04/26/24

Startup News Digest 04/26/24

Net neutrality revival set to ensure level startup playing field

Startup News Digest 04/19/24

Startup News Digest 04/19/24

Lawmakers lament detriment to startups of Trade Rep’s digital trade reversal

Startup News Digest 04/12/24

Startup News Digest 04/12/24

Congress is taking another crack at data privacy legislation

Startup News Digest 04/05/24

Startup News Digest 04/05/24

Internet affordability funding to run out, reversing progress on digital divide

Startup News Digest 07/21/23

Startup News Digest 07/21/23

The Big Story: Policymakers threaten successful startup exits, investment. This week, federal agencies released new draft guidelines for merger enforcement that could reduce the number of acquisitions and negatively impact the ability of startups to successfully exit. The new draft guidelines come amid a parallel effort to revise the filing process for larger transactions, adding costs and new burdens to those acquisitions. Taken together, the agencies’ actions are designed to limit acquisitions, which are critical to investment and successful exits in the startup ecosystem. 

Startup News Digest 07/14/23

Startup News Digest 07/14/23

The Big Story: EU, U.S. implement framework to restore transatlantic data transfers. The European Commission this week adopted a needed decision to implement the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework, bringing certainty back to transatlantic data transfers and lowering barriers for startups. The long-awaited agreement ends years of uncertainty surrounding data flows needed for U.S. startups to serve EU customers thanks to the invalidation of an earlier transfer agreement called Privacy Shield. The new framework is a welcome step that will bolster the competitiveness of U.S. startups looking to serve the EU market. 

Startup News Digest 06/02/23

Startup News Digest 06/02/23

The Big Story: House passes capital formation bills. The House passed several bills this week to improve capital access for startups, including by providing educational resources on capital raising options for underrepresented small businesses and another to broaden the pool of potential startup investors.

Startup News Digest 05/26/23

Startup News Digest 05/26/23

The Big Story: EU data ruling further imperils transatlantic data flows. A decision this week by a major EU privacy regulator is adding to uncertainty over companies’—especially startups’—already tenuous ability to store and process user data from EU users in the U.S.