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State Policy Update: Legislatures around the country are wrapping up. What have they been up to and how will it impact startups?

State Policy Update: Legislatures around the country are wrapping up. What have they been up to and how will it impact startups?

As summer kicks into gear, state legislatures are closing up shop, but not before introducing and passing legislation impacting startups. In the absence of federal action on many technology policy issues occupying the public imagination, state legislatures have acted to create their own rules, which can vary slightly, significantly—or outright conflict with—each other.

Startup News Digest 06/30/23

Startup News Digest 06/30/23

The Big Story: Supreme Court strikes down Biden student loan relief plan. The Supreme Court this week struck down President Biden’s student loan relief plan that would have canceled up to $20,000 in student debt for qualified borrowers. The decision, while not unexpected, is a blow to the millions of Americans riddled with student debt, and individuals whose debt acts as a barrier to pursuing entrepreneurship. 

Startup News Digest 06/16/23

Startup News Digest 06/16/23

The Big Story: House advances tax package with pro-startup provisions. A House committee advanced multiple tax bills this week that include several startup priorities. Legislation passed by Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee includes two bills—the Small Business Jobs Act and the Build It in America Act—that would fix R&D expensing, create startup investment incentives, and fix reporting threshold. While the entire package faces uncertainty in the Democrat-controlled Senate, several provisions—including startup priorities like R&D expensing— have bipartisan support. 

Startup News Digest 06/09/23

Startup News Digest 06/09/23

The Big Story: Startups call on Congress to fix R&D expensing. Lawmakers in both chambers of Congress took steps this week toward addressing a critical tax issue impacting startups’ bottom lines: a recently enacted change to how startups expense research, development, and experimentation costs. House and Senate lawmakers held two hearings this week exploring how the tax code, including incentives around R&D impact small businesses and startups.

Startup News Digest 06/02/23

Startup News Digest 06/02/23

The Big Story: House passes capital formation bills. The House passed several bills this week to improve capital access for startups, including by providing educational resources on capital raising options for underrepresented small businesses and another to broaden the pool of potential startup investors.

Startup News Digest 05/26/23

Startup News Digest 05/26/23

The Big Story: EU data ruling further imperils transatlantic data flows. A decision this week by a major EU privacy regulator is adding to uncertainty over companies’—especially startups’—already tenuous ability to store and process user data from EU users in the U.S.

Startup News Digest 05/19/23

Startup News Digest 05/19/23

The Big Story: Congress digs into recent bank failures. This week, committees in both chambers held hearings to examine recent bank failures, including the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB)—a key financial institution in the startup ecosystem. The collapse of SVB in particular devastated many across the innovation ecosystem, sending companies scrambling to withdraw funds and make payroll, uncertain if their full balances would be secured.

Startup News Digest 05/12/23

Startup News Digest 05/12/23

The Big Story: The difficulties of content moderation and the chance to try it yourself. Critics of the Internet industry, including policymakers, frequently complain about content moderation decisions and propose legislative changes that would make it harder for Internet companies to host, remove, demote, amplify, and curate user content. To help inform those conversations, Engine worked with Copia and Leveraged Play to develop a new video game this week—Moderator Mayhem—with the goal of highlighting the difficulties and the inherent tradeoffs Internet companies, especially startups, face while navigating moderating their users’ content. 

Startup News Digest 05/05/23

Startup News Digest 05/05/23

The Big Story: “Children’s safety” push for more data collection, content scanning. Lawmakers reintroduced and advanced legislation that would push Internet companies of all types and sizes to collect more data from their users and scan public and private user content in the name of childrens’ safety. The bills—including the Kids Online Safety Act, the Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act, which were reintroduced this week, and the Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies (EARN IT) Act, which advanced out of the Senate Judiciary Committee this week—would remake the regulatory framework that enables startups to grow and succeed. 

Startup News Digest 04/28/23

Startup News Digest 04/28/23

The Big Story: Over 65 startups call for uniform federal privacy law. This week, startups are calling on Congress to pass a federal privacy law that takes the startup ecosystem into account. A coalition of startups and support organizations across 26 states sent a letter to Congress urging lawmakers to pass a law that creates uniformity, promotes clarity, limits bad faith litigation, accounts for the resources of startups, and recognizes the interconnectedness of the startup ecosystem. The letter comes as states continue to enact their own unique data privacy laws, and as a Congressional committee explored the problems posed by a sectoral federal privacy landscape in a hearing this week. 

Startup News Digest 04/21/23

Startup News Digest 04/21/23

The Big Story: Non-compete ban would boost the startup ecosystem. Policymakers received thousands of comments this week as a key agency considers a change that would make it easier for people to leave their jobs, including to found and join early stage startups. In conjunction with the Juelsgaard Intellectual Property and Innovation Clinic, Engine submitted comments this week to the Federal Trade Commission urging the agency to move forward with a proposed rule change that would ban most non-compete agreements, which are post-employment contracts that bar workers from taking up jobs with competitors for a prescribed period of time.

Startup News Digest 04/14/23

Startup News Digest 04/14/23

The Big Story: Policymakers set their sights on artificial intelligence. This week saw a frenzy of activity from policymakers around the globe looking to regulate artificial intelligence technologies, which startups are increasingly leveraging in their products. In the U.S., federal agencies recently kicked off processes to examine AI and intellectual property as well as AI accountability, while Congress is exploring legislation. Abroad, policymakers have used existing regulations to ban certain AI tools and are looking to adapt their proposed AI rules.  

Startup News Digest 04/07/23

Startup News Digest 04/07/23

The Big Story: States continue adding to tech regulatory landscape risking additional burdens for startups. State legislative sessions are in high gear this spring, advancing tech legislation and threatening to grow a patchwork of varying rules startups must navigate as they grow. This week, for example, the Washington Senate passed a bill governing health information and other personal data. Their effort joins several other states putting forward proposals aimed at privacy and data security, online safety, and content moderation—that each will have noticeable ripple effects for startups. 

Startup News Digest 03/31/23

Startup News Digest 03/31/23

The Big Story: R&D tax credit changes create tax bill for startups. Startups and other companies are facing higher taxes this year after a provision from a 2017 tax law went into effect recently. The law, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), triggers a change to how the research and development (R&D) tax credit operates. Unless policymakers step in, startups and small businesses will have to weather the blow to their cash flow and may consider limiting future R&D costs. This could ultimately result in an overall reduction in innovation in the U.S., slowed economic growth, and decreased ability for our innovation ecosystem to compete with other countries.