Startups Weigh in on NAFTA Negotiations

58 startups signed a letter today to the Trump administration to urge any NAFTA renegotiation must preserve and promote the U.S. framework for creation and innovation.  

As the Trump administration is currently attempting to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Canada and Mexico. Recent reports have indicated that Hollywood and the content industry are seeking to use the NAFTA negotiations to weaken legal protections for online platforms and undermine balanced copyright laws. Changes to these protections will disproportionately harm startups and small companies and will only decrease the ability for content creators to reach new audiences worldwide. 

Our letter, signed by 58 startups, underscores how important copyright and intermediary liability safe harbors are to startups, small tech companies, and our industry as a whole. We know from first-hand experience that the success of America’s smallest and youngest entrepreneurs depends on the clear and balanced laws currently found in our legal system. 

The text of our full letter is here.