Engine Statement on the Support Our Startups Act

Engine Statement on the Support Our Startups Act

"Engine is proud to support the Support Our Startups Act, a bill that would reduce tax burdens on entrepreneurs in their first year of business. The bill from Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.) would help startups hit the ground running by increasing they amount they can write off as federal tax deductions in their first year.

What They Are Saying About The Importance of Protecting Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act

What They Are Saying About The Importance of Protecting Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act

As Congress continues to debate Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and if it needs updating, we put together a guide of "What They Are Saying" about Section 230 and it's importance to the Internet ecosystem. 

Our Takeaways from the Senate Hearing on SESTA

Our Takeaways from the Senate Hearing on SESTA

The Senate Commerce Committee held a hearing on a new bill aimed at making it easier to penalize websites and online services that facilitate sex-trafficking.

While much of the hearing focused on the bipartisan and unanimous agreement that sex-trafficking is a tragedy that needs to be addressed, some lawmakers and witnesses noted the potential unintended consequences of the Stop Enabling Sex Trafficking Act (S.1693) as currently drafted.

The Top Ten Myths about SESTA’s (S. 1693) Impact on Startups

The Top Ten Myths about SESTA’s (S. 1693) Impact on Startups

As the Senate begins to consider the Stop Enabling Sex Trafficking Act of 2017 "SESTA," we have have tried to debunk some of the myths the bill's sponsors are saying about the legislation. Learn more about what you can do to protect Section 230 here.