Report: Nuts & Bolts of User-Generated Content — ENGINE

Report: Nuts & Bolts of User-Generated Content

Presented by Engine and Charles Koch Institute

Every second, Internet users across the world are posting their own content online, everything from their favorite restaurant to how-to videos on creating custom 3D printed objects. This boom in speech has enabled e-commerce to flourish, established trust between strangers, and fueled creativity in ways never imagined possible. To understand what drove the innovation that led to the success of the Internet, we seek to unpack the nuts and bolts of user-generated content and how it is regulated, moderated, and limited by laws and technology. This report explores the current legal framework for intermediary liability and the safe harbors that helped propel the Internet economy, including Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. It will consider how platforms moderate content and the tools and technology currently available for platforms large and small. Finally, it will look at the international landscape and how other countries are looking to regulate user-generated content.

Read the full report here.