Take Startup Act One Step Further, says Marvin Ammori

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Startup Act should include a provision to encourage training in computer programming in the U.S., says Marvin Ammori in a piece for the Atlantic today.

The tech world is coming out in strong support of Startup Act 2.0, a bipartisan bill that eases the way for entrepreneurs to hire the foreign-born high-skilled workers they need to build and scale high-growth startup businesses without moving offshore.

While making changes to the skilled immigration process is an essential measure in getting startup talent in this country, Ammori writes that Startup 2.0 is “a great bill, but it could be better”. The gist of the article is that the key to unlocking success for future generations of startups is in setting up all Americans for success in innovative and technology based new businesses -- this means giving public schools funding and incentives to teach all kids how to code, just like all kids are taught basic math and grammar, Ammori says.

An entrepreneurial mentality will be key in navigating the requirements of today’s job market, and the current education system which encourages an obedient worker mentality is unsuited to an economy that increasingly relies on new startups and innovation. Further than encouraging entrepreneurship in our students, though, we should be equipping kids from an early age with programming skills that are fast becoming as ubiquitous a requirement as learning english or math.

Ammori suggests federal government involvement , suggesting that a new iteration of the bill, “Startup Act 3.0, could fund grants for expanding programming classes, beginning with small-scale pilot programs”.

Ammori’s views might not be revolutionary, but he is dead on the money when it comes to the need for a multilateral approach to the dearth of high-tech graduates coming out of U.S. universities. The short term solution is fixing the skilled immigration system, as Startup 2.0 does. The longer term solution is catching the U.S. education system up to the economy of today and the future. We as a country need to set a course on both of these goals, and we can’t afford to wait.

Click here to learn more about Startup Act 2.0 and connect with your representative to let him or her know that it’s important to you.