Statement on Startups Meeting with FCC and Congress on Net Neutrality



Representatives from several prominent startups joined Engine and New America's Open Technology Institute in Washington DC today in advance of the FCC's upcoming net neutrality vote. They met with FCC members and staff as well as legislative leaders to discuss the importance of an open Internet to the startup community, and the need for strong net neutrality rules and enforcement mechanisms.

Evan Engstrom, Engine Policy Director, and Alan Davidson, Director of the Open Technology Institute, released the following statement:

"Engine and the Open Technology Institute are proud to have organized a group of leading startups to continue championing a truly open Internet. FCC Chairman Wheeler's recent announcement that he intends to reclassify the Internet under Title II was a major victory for the startup community and all advocates for net neutrality. However, the battle is far from over.

"Today's meetings will allow us to push for specific rules that are strong enough to prevent any form of ISP discrimination and flexible enough to allow the FCC to preempt future threats to the open Internet. We have seen the tremendous impact that startups can have on the net neutrality debate. In the weeks ahead, we'll be working with these startups and many others to ensure that the Internet remains open for innovation for generations to come. The Internet has flourished as a space for innovation without permission, and strong net neutrality rules will ensure that remains the case."