![Screen Shot 2012 09 21 At 10.49.19 Am Screen Shot 2012 09 21 At 10.49.19 Am](https://engineis.squarespace.com/system/images/BAhbB1sHOgZmSSJGMjAxMi8wOS8yMS8xN180OV81M182ODBfU2NyZWVuX1Nob3RfMjAxMl8wOV8yMV9hdF8xMC40OS4xOV9BTS5wbmcGOgZFVFsIOgZwOgp0aHVtYkkiDTIyNXgyNTU+BjsGRg/Screen%20Shot%202012-09-21%20at%2010.49.19%20AM.png)
Earlier today, Engine Advocacy released a letter to Members of both Houses of Congress, strongly advocating for legislation this year to increase access to visas for qualified, highly-skilled, foreign-born graduates of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics disciplines from U.S. universities.
The letter can be read here, and we urge you to contact your Members of Congress as well, and tell them to move on important legislation this year.