Entrepreneurs Head to DC for Startup Day

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As we’ve continued to build Engine over the past few months, we’ve talked with many people from across America -- with founders, serial entrepreneurs, investors. Even more than talking, though, we’ve been listening. We’ve heard from a cross-section of the startup community, and as this community becomes more aware of the place we as innovators and entrepreneurs hold in the resurgence of the American economy, many have expressed an interest in broadcasting those stories of success more widely and using them to effect change.

But one question has also popped up right alongside: How do we do it?

This week, we’re taking another step forward in working to get those stories heard and helping to focus the efforts of those in power in support of our growing startup community.

Startup Day on the Hill will feature 18 of our nation’s many great tech startups, working directly with policymakers in an effort to to build vital relationships between entrepreneurs and Washington. There will be a demo session for Members of Congress and their staffers to educate them on how the products being developed in our community are disrupting industries and changing lives. We’ll also have a roundtable discussion for staff about the role startups play in the economy, a breakfast get-to-know you session and discussion on Startup Act, and focused meetings with individual startups.

There’s more information about the companies attending, as well as some of the Members who have come on board on our Startup Day page. And follow along this week, as we’ll have plenty of interesting stories about our member companies, what we’re up to and what we find along the way. We hope this will be the first of many events in which we can build relationships, bridge the divide, and further the conversation about just how meaningful the work of entrepreneurs is to the American economy.