Engine Welcomes Reintroduction of Stock Options Legislation

Today, Sens. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) and Dean Heller (R-NV), along with Reps. Erik Paulsen (R-MN) and Joseph Crowley (D-NY) reintroduced the Empowering Employees through Stock Ownership (EESO) Act, bipartisan legislation that will make it easier for startup employees to exercise their stock options. The following statement can be attributed to Engine Executive Director, Evan Engstrom:

“Stock options are a critical tool for startups to attract, retain, and incentivize top talent, but the existing tax regime around stock option compensation makes it unnecessarily difficult for employees to realize the value of their equity. The Empowering Employees through Stock Ownership Act will allow more employees to obtain a stake in the companies that they help to build and grow. This policy change is a no-brainer and a win-win for both startups and their employees.”

Engine was joined by more than 70 companies and organizations in supporting the legislation. Read the full support letter here.


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