Engine submits comments to USPTO on AI inventions

Engine submits comments to USPTO on AI inventions

Last week, Engine and the Electronic Frontier Foundation submitted comments to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in response to the agency’s call for comments on patenting artificial intelligence inventions. The USPTO is collecting information to determine “whether further guidance is needed to promote the predictability and reliability of patenting [AI] inventions and to ensure that appropriate patent protection incentives are in place to encourage further innovation in and around this critical area.”

Startups and State Privacy Laws

Startups and State Privacy Laws

Consumer privacy has been on the minds of companies, regulators, and consumers in the wake of high-profile privacy missteps by major Internet companies and sweeping new privacy rules in Europe. While the U.S. approaches consumer privacy law on a sector-by-sector basis, states are using the momentum around the consumer privacy debate to pass their own varying — and sometimes conflicting — laws.

Startup News Digest 11/15/19

Startup News Digest 11/15/19

The Big Story: House panel examines big tech's impact on small businesses. The House Small Business Committee held a hearing yesterday to examine big tech’s impact on small businesses, with lawmakers bringing in witnesses from large tech companies, small retailers, and nonprofit organizations to discuss the benefits and challenges of large online platforms. 

DACA decision is make or break moment for startups

 DACA decision is make or break moment for startups

The fate of up to 800,000 individuals and their ability to live and work in the United States will be decided in the coming months, as the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on Tuesday for the consolidated cases challenging the Trump Administration’s termination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. While the justices appeared split in their questioning, the outcome of this case will not just have ramifications for the recipients and their communities, but also stands to impact the desirability of the United States as a destination for high-skilled workers to put their skills and entrepreneurial initiative to the test.

#StartupsEverywhere: Tucson, Ariz.

#StartupsEverywhere: Tucson, Ariz.

SGNT is working to address a critical global concern from their homebase in Tucson, Arizona. The tech startup, founded in 2017, has developed an exciting new hardware and software suite to ensure the secure transport of goods and pharmaceuticals around the world. Emil Tremblay, SGNT’s co-founder and CEO, recently took the time to give us some insights into the company and how it got started.

Startups Paying Close Attention to DACA Decision

Startups Paying Close Attention to DACA Decision

TLDR: Startups are keeping a close watch as the Supreme Court hears oral arguments on the 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy. Access to talent is vital to the success of startups, and numerous studies have shown that immigrants make important contributions to the entrepreneurial community. Policies and decisions that suggest the U.S. is a bad place for immigrants—like a ruling against the DACA policy—would be bad for the startup community.    

IP Recap - 11/12/19

IP Recap - 11/12/19

The Federal Circuit’s recent decision in Arthrex, Inc. v. Smith & Nephew, Inc. changes the framework for appointing and removing certain patent office officials—the Administrative Patent Judges (APJs). APJs serve on the Patent Trial and Appeal Board which, among other functions, can take a “second look” at weak or overbroad patents that previously issued, and invalidate claims that should not have issued in the first place. Instead of challenging a low-quality patent in federal court, which takes multiple years and millions of dollars, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board can consider a limited scope of validity challenges in less than 18 months and for a fraction of the cost. Therefore, it is a more accessible place for startups to go to challenge weak patents they are accused of infringing, and has the ancillary benefit of increasing overall patent quality and making the abusive patent litigation business less profitable. 

Startup News Digest 11/08/19

Startup News Digest 11/08/19

The Big Story: Lawmakers scrutinize Chinese social media app TikTok. The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism held a hearing on Tuesday to examine how technology companies might be exposing user data to “criminals, China, and other bad actors,” with lawmakers spending much of the time lambasting popular social media app TikTok for not sending a representative to testify before the panel.

#StartupsEverywhere: Chicago, Illinois

#StartupsEverywhere: Chicago, Illinois

Chicago has the highest concentration of female-led startups in the United States, with more than one-third of the city’s startups run by women. One of these successful women-run businesses is Cloche Invest, a recently launched investment platform focused on helping millennial women grow their wealth. Ari Carter, the Co-Founder and Chief Financial Officer of Cloche Invest, saw that current investment platforms were not adequately catering to the needs of young women. Together with her Co-Founder, Peyton Pritikin, Ari is focused on creating a new generation of financially independent women.

Engine's statement on House passage of CASE Act

Engine's statement on House passage of CASE Act

The House’s vote in favor of the CASE Act is disappointing, particularly because there were no hearings or debates in the lower chamber to discuss the many flaws in this legislation. The bill is purportedly designed to protect small copyright holders by establishing an extra-judicial Copyright Claims Board within the U.S. Copyright Office to adjudicate infringement claims outside of a federal court setting. However, without the traditional safeguards of the federal courts, this newly established tribunal would have the authority to grant substantial financial damage awards — up to $30,000 per proceeding — to potentially abusive parties looking to strong-arm settlements from unsuspecting companies and online users. 

Startups and non-compete agreements

Startups and non-compete agreements

As conversations swirl around the use of non-compete agreements in the labor market, it is important that lawmakers consider the effects of these agreements on startup formation and talent acquisition. Instead of protecting legitimate business interests, non-compete agreements are often used to block competition, prohibiting talented Americans from starting their own innovative ventures and from hiring the talent they need to succeed and to be competitive.