Clinton Releases Tech Policy Agenda

Throughout the long primary process, the tech world watched with growing concern as the candidates assiduously avoided focusing on many of the key policy issues impacting the technology sector. Considering both major parties have spent considerable time over the past few years trying to appeal to the tech world’s interests, it seemed odd that tech issues were receiving such little attention in the presidential election. 

Startup News Digest: 6/24/2016

Startup News Digest: 6/24/2016

As the world reacts to the news of UK voters’ historic decision to leave the European Union, many are wondering what this means for the tech industry, which widely favored remaining in the EU. While the full consequences of the UK’s departure will take years to play out, the interim period could be one of great uncertainty for British and European tech firms, as well as for those U.S. companies with employees and customers across the pond. 

FAA Makes It Easier for Commercial Drones to Fly

FAA Makes It Easier for Commercial Drones to Fly

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) finalized its long-awaited small unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) rules on Tuesday, making it much easier for businesses to use drones for new and innovative commercial purposes. These rules provide much-needed clarity for the emerging drone industry and put the U.S. ahead of most countries, though significant gaps in the regulatory framework remain.

Startup News Digest: 6/17/2016

Startup News Digest: 6/17/2016

After months of deliberation, a U.S. Court of Appeals voted 2-1  to uphold the Federal Communication Commission's 2015 Open Internet Order. Engine and net neutrality advocates across the country celebrated the news, hailing the decision as a victory for thousands of startups that rely on the internet as a level playing field. Despite this affirmation of the FCC's authority to enforce net neutrality rules, the fight may not be over.

Engine Statement on Federal Court Ruling on Net Neutrality

Engine Statement on Federal Court Ruling on Net Neutrality

Today, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) historic net neutrality rules in a 2-1 vote. Affirming that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) cannot block, throttle, or slow down web traffic at their own discretion, the ruling is a major victory for thousands of startups that depend on the open internet as a level playing field.

Who’s the Candidate for Tech? Let’s Look at the Issues.

Who’s the Candidate for Tech? Let’s Look at the Issues.

Recent headlines from around the country suggest that Silicon Valley has united against Trump...In addition to analyzing what influential venture capitalists and executives have to say about Trump, it’s just as important we take a close look at the issues and positions that impact the industry at large, from the major tech firms headquartered in the Valley to the single-person startups building new technologies and services in cities around the country.

Startup News Digest: 6/10/2016

Startup News Digest: 6/10/2016

The debate over ECPA reform has come to a standstill in the Senate, with the Judiciary Committee delaying consideration of the Email Privacy Act again this week. The bill, which would require law enforcement to obtain a warrant before accessing digital communications, such as emails, found unanimous support in the House. But a number of Senators have attempted to add controversial amendments that would undermine support for the bill in the Senate.

Startup News Digest: 6/3/2016

Startup News Digest: 6/3/2016

News from Across the Atlantic. We’ll start with the bad news: the future for the U.S.-EU Privacy Shield is looking grim. As a refresher, in February, U.S. and EU negotiators reached a draft agreement on a restored data transfer pact between the U.S. and EU. But the draft was dealt two blows over the past week: first, European Data Protection Supervisor Giovanni Buttarelli said the shield needs “robust improvements,” and then the European Parliament passed a resolution that the deal violates the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights. 

Veterans Sign Letter Supporting Greater Entrepreneur Training

Veterans Sign Letter Supporting Greater Entrepreneur Training

Over the past year, Engine has teamed up with veterans working in the tech industry and several Veterans Service Organizations to understand how government can better support transitioning servicemembers interested in careers in technology. Whether as entrepreneurs, managers, or engineers, it’s clear that given the proper training and support, veterans have the talent, resolve, and discipline to thrive in the tech workforce.

Startup News Digest: 5/20/2016

Startup News Digest: 5/20/2016

Our weekly take on some of the biggest stories in startup and tech policy. In the wake of the Apple-FBI dispute, lawmakers have made encryption a top policy priority. Several Congressional working groups have now been established to determine the best approach to address regulation of encryption technologies, but very little of the public debate focuses on the detrimental impact any new rules could have on startups.

An Opportunity to Fix Crowdfunding Before It Falters

An Opportunity to Fix Crowdfunding Before It Falters

On May 16, 2016, regulation crowdfunding will go into effect, meaning for the first time ever,anyone can invest in a startup through an online platform. This is big. Until Congress passed the JOBS Act  in 2012, buying an equity stake in a company required being fairly wealthy or having a pre-existing relationship with the entrepreneurs raising capital. But the Internet has dramatically changed the way entrepreneurs share their ideas and connect with potential investors. With the JOBS Act, the law finally caught up as well – or it almost did.

Calling All Accelerators: SBA Launches Growth Accelerator Fund Competition

Calling All Accelerators: SBA Launches Growth Accelerator Fund Competition

Do you run a growth accelerator, incubator, co-working space, shared maker-space, or other entrepreneurial ecosystem organization? If so, you might be eligible to compete for a $50,000 prize from the government. Last week, the Small Business Administration (SBA) launched its Growth Accelerator Fund Competition for the third year in a row. Each year, the agency awards $50,000 prizes to selected organizations to help cover part of their operating budgets.

Why Startups Need More Unlicensed Spectrum, and How They Can Get It

Why Startups Need More Unlicensed Spectrum, and How They Can Get It

Startups across the country are building the next generation of Internet applications, connected devices, and innovative services—all of which rely on access to unlicensed spectrum. This week, Engine joined a diverse coalition of 23 organizations and companies in urging President Barack Obama to ensure that enough unlicensed spectrum is made available to meet growing demand.