Startup News Digest 12/3/21

Startup News Digest 12/3/21

The Big Story: Startups watch as Congress considers tech nominees. This week, Senate committees weighed in on several individuals President Joe Biden nominated to key tech leadership roles, shedding some light on the direction the nominees might take to support startup innovators. In a series of hearings, Senators considered acting Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chair Jessica Rosenworcel and FCC nominee Gigi Sohn, as well as Alan Davidson, who was nominated to lead the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), Federal Trade Commission nominee Alvaro Bedoya, and Kathi Vidal, who was nominated to lead the Patent and Trademark Office.

Startup News Digest 11/19/21

Startup News Digest 11/19/21

The Big Story: Making the startup ecosystem more equitable. Startup founders with innovative ideas should have the chance to succeed, no matter where they’re located or what they look like. But too often, underrepresented founders—including women and founders of color—are denied the opportunity to get investments, launch, and grow. This week, Engine released an assessment of barriers that underrepresented founders face as well as policy proposals to alleviate those barriers.

Biden's USPTO Pick Can Restore Much-Needed Patent Reform

Biden's USPTO Pick Can Restore Much-Needed Patent Reform

With his nomination of Winston & Strawn LLP litigator Kathi Vidal as the new U.S. Patent and Trademark Office director, President Joe Biden has an opportunity to fix the problems in our patent system that have stifled innovation and entrepreneurs over the past few years. It was just a decade ago that Republicans and Democrats came together and passed the America Invents Act, the most sweeping reform to our country's patent system in more than a half century.

Startup News Digest 11/5/21

Startup News Digest 11/5/21

The Big Story: Immigration in play in reconciliation bill, but path unclear. As the House eyes a path forward on the reconciliation bill, newly-added language would create temporary protections for millions of undocumented immigrants, which could make it easier for foreign-born innovators, founders, and STEM talent to stay and work in the U.S.

Startup News Digest 10/29/21

Startup News Digest 10/29/21

The Big Story: Biden puts up key tech, telecom nominees. This week, President Biden announced several long-awaited nominations that, if confirmed, will serve key roles in setting technology and telecom policies that impact the startup ecosystem.

Statement on Biden's Nomination for PTO Director

Statement on Biden's Nomination for PTO Director

“Engine congratulates Kathi Vidal on her nomination as the next Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. She would have an undeniable role to play in supporting the nation’s startups and stands to make important contributions that advance diversity in innovation and ensure the patent system works for all stakeholders. It is likewise critical the PTO prevent imbalanced policies that block progress, because we have seen how recent policy decisions have contributed to rapidly increasing rates of abusive patent assertion, growing litigation costs, and a drop in patent quality. We look forward to working with Ms. Vidal toward an inclusive, diverse, and equitable patent system that prioritizes quality and allows everyone across the country to innovate and contribute.”

Startup News Digest 10/22/21

Startup News Digest 10/22/21

The Big Story: Policymakers turn attention to patent policy. Over the past weeks, there have been several indications policymakers across D.C. are thinking about the various roles patents play in innovation policy—both recognizing their potential to support innovators but also seeking to understand how low-quality patents hurt startups and small businesses.

Startup News Digest 10/15/21

Startup News Digest 10/15/21

The Big Story: New tax deal could impact global startup ecosystem. Officials from around the world are moving forward with a new tax deal that would shift current tax laws and stands to impact both large companies and startups. G20 Finance Ministers this Wednesday endorsed the agreement that 136 countries agreed on last week, which would tax businesses based on where their goods and services are consumed—a shift from taxation based on physical presence. The deal would also set a new global minimum tax of 15 percent.

A Brief Case Study: The Shortcomings of Counting Patents by Country to Inform Patent Eligibility in the U.S.

A Brief Case Study: The Shortcomings of Counting Patents by Country to Inform Patent Eligibility in the U.S.

Evidence and data must inform innovation policy, but numbers without context cannot tell a whole story. When it comes to patent policy, for example, counting certain patent applications that were filed with or abandoned before the U.S. patent office might not indicate much (if anything) about domestic innovation.

Startup News Digest 10/08/21

Startup News Digest 10/08/21

The Big Story: Congress hears about startups’ need for clear data rules. Lawmakers have turned back to discussions of a federal privacy framework, including at a hearing this week on data security, which featured testimony from Engine focused on how startups need clarity and certainty around data security practices.

Startup News Digest 10/01/21

Startup News Digest 10/01/21

The Big Story: SHOP SAFE bill advances despite potential to harm e-commerce startups and small businesses. In a first vote this week, the House Judiciary Committee advanced the SHOP SAFE Act, a bill that would create substantial costs and risks for e-commerce startups—making it harder for them to compete—and erect new barriers for entrepreneurs and small businesses who want to sell goods online.

Statement on the Restoring the America Invents Act

Statement on the Restoring the America Invents Act

“Engine is proud to support the Restoring the America Invents Act, introduced today by Senators Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and John Cornyn (R-Tex.). This bill would promote patent quality, help stem abusive patent assertion, and repair certain tools startups can and have used to challenge invalid patents. It also reflects the value of high-quality U.S. patents to promote innovation and embodies the balance needed to ensure that low-quality, invalid patents are not so easily weaponized against domestic innovators and small businesses.”

Startup News Digest 09/24/21

Startup News Digest 09/24/21

The Big Story: Congress hits roadblock on immigration reform

A potential pathway to citizenship for Dreamers—a group critical to the startup ecosystem—was derailed this week when the Senate Parliamentarian blocked Democrats’ efforts to include immigration reform in the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill. Many Dreamers are entrepreneurs, and, as a group, they employ over 86,000 individuals across the country. Legislators are now considering alternative proposals to ensure immigration provisions remain a priority.

Statement on the Unleashing American Innovators Act of 2021

Statement on the Unleashing American Innovators Act of 2021

The following statement is attributed to Kate Tummarello, Executive Director of Engine, regarding today’s introduction of the Unleashing American Innovators Act of 2021.


“Engine is proud to support the Unleashing American Innovators Act of 2021, a bill that would expand startup access to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s resources and services. The legislation, introduced by Senators Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Thom Tillis (R-NC), would lower barriers to entry for underrepresented founders interested in seeking high-quality patents and enhance the PTO’s presence across the country so that the government can do an even better job of meeting innovators where they are at.”

Startup News Digest 09/10/21

Startup News Digest 09/10/21

The Big Story: Global governments complicate content moderation. This week, governments across the globe zeroed in on how companies treat user content online, with several countries advancing policies that would make content hosting and moderation more difficult for Internet companies and hinder free expression online.

IP Recap - 09/08/21

IP Recap - 09/08/21

A recent court decision confirming limits around patent (in)eligibility also reveals how this area of the law can more quickly resolve cases where weak patent claims are broadly asserted against companies—including startups and small businesses. In PersonalWeb Techs. LLC v. Google LLC, the Federal Circuit applied § 101 of the Patent Act to cancel patent claims which should not have issued in the first place—but were part of a patent that had been asserted in nearly 170 lawsuits against numerous defendants.

Startup News Digest 08/27/21

Startup News Digest 08/27/21

The Big Story: Startups should watch as Congress works on reconciliation bill. The House this week moved ahead with two major legislative packages that will have varying impacts on the U.S. startup ecosystem. On Tuesday, the House voted to approve a budget resolution creating a path for Congress to write its $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill, which could include immigration, childcare, and tax provisions. It also set a deadline to vote on the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill in late September, which includes billions of dollars for broadband expansion.