The Big Story: Congress working to clarify small business loan program. The U.S. Senate this week tried to double the amount of time that recipients of Paycheck Protection Program loans have to spend the emergency funding, even as House Democrats plan to advance legislation next week that would change accessibility requirements and allow PPP loans to be used over an even longer 24-week timeframe.
Encryption Is Critical for Startup Security, Despite DOJ Spotlight
TLDR: Federal officials are once again calling for Internet companies of all sizes to undermine secure end-to-end encryption by creating intentional vulnerabilities in their products to facilitate law enforcement access to user data, a move that would risk user privacy and security. The renewed push comes after the Justice Department announced that it unlocked two iPhones belonging to the shooter in last year’s Pensacola Naval Air Station shooting and found that he had been working with al Qaeda.
Startup News Digest 05/15/20
The Big Story: Broadband access in the time of COVID-19. House Democrats this week introduced the HEROES Act, their proposed $3 trillion coronavirus relief package that includes a dramatic expansion of pandemic-related broadband assistance to help close the digital divide. The inclusion of broadband funding in the proposed relief package comes as policymakers in recent weeks have grown more vocal about the importance of reliable Internet connectivity during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Combating the Spread of COVID-19 Misinformation
TLDR: As people across the globe continue to depend upon digital services in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Internet firms are working overtime to keep their platforms free of misinformation related to the virus. But the rapid proliferation of COVID-19 conspiracy theories is highlighting just how difficult it is for online companies of all sizes to moderate content in a way that promotes user safety.
Startup News Digest 05/08/20
Broadband Access Critical to Startups, Consumers
TLDR: Internet connectivity has become a critical resource for Americans coping with the pandemic, and the increased reliance on digital services is already highlighting gaps in Internet access and sufficient broadband infrastructure across the country. As Congress debates passing a phase four coronavirus relief package that would in part address broadband access concerns, it’s critical for policymakers to understand just how important connectivity is to U.S. startups and consumers.
Startup News Digest 05/01/20
The Big Story: Lawmakers propose freezing mergers during pandemic. Several congressional Democrats have proposed a temporary halt on certain “big” mergers and acquisitions during the coronavirus pandemic, saying that the outbreak could allow large companies to consolidate their power by buying up smaller firms. While larger tech companies have faced scrutiny in the past for allegedly acquiring potential competitors in order to protect their market share, acquisitions during the COVID-19 pandemic are far more likely to involve larger companies rescuing at-risk startups that would otherwise go out of business. It’s hard to see how blocking these types of acquisitions would promote competition. Efforts to curb what policymakers see as predatory behavior could instead deprive many startups of a critical lifeline they might need to remain in business.
Looking Beyond PPP Loans for Startup Relief
TLDR: Although the U.S. Small Business Administration is once again accepting applications from small businesses for Paycheck Protection Program loans, many startups still remain ineligible for the emergency funding that they need to survive the economic downturn caused by the coronavirus pandemic. It’s critical for lawmakers to pursue other policy proposals that will help startups and small businesses weather the current uncertainty.
Startup News Digest 04/24/20
The Big Story: Pandemic underscores the need for broadband boost. Congress voted this week on a $484 billion coronavirus relief package to help support small businesses and Americans who are struggling as a result of the pandemic, but policymakers are already discussing additional legislative measures to bolster the nation’s broadband infrastructure.
Startups Need More Than Current Relief Loans
TLDR: Congress is set to allocate additional funding to the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program to aid small businesses coping with the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic, but available loan programs are not doing enough to support startups that are in desperate need of financial assistance. As policymakers continue to evaluate legislative and regulatory responses to the ongoing outbreak, it’s imperative that they pursue policies—such as public-private equity investments, R&D tax credits, and forgivable loans beyond payroll expenses—that can adequately support the nation’s startup ecosystem.
Startup News Digest 04/17/20
The Big Story: Small business loan program hits funding limit. The U.S. Small Business Administration announced that it hit the $350 billion limit in funds Congress allocated for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) to help small businesses as part of last month’s Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. At this time, SBA says it is unable to accept any more applications for PPP loans. While the program was designed to support companies with under 500 employees, many venture capital-backed firms were ineligible for the loans because the SBA’s “affiliation rules” require companies to count the employees of their “affiliates”—broadly defined in the law—as their own employees.
Surveys Show Startups Need Immediate Assistance
TLDR: Surveys conducted by Engine and other entrepreneurial organizations show that U.S. startups need further economic relief to sustain their operations in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Almost two-thirds of respondents to our survey said their startups are in need of emergency financial support, even as entrepreneurs told us they are still seeking certainty that they will be eligible to apply for existing government programs.
Startup News Digest 04/10/20
The Big Story: Privacy, big data, and COVID-19. As federal officials, tech companies, and researchers are using data to help identify and track viral transmissions and coronavirus hotspots, policymakers and advocates are raising concerns about the collection and use of potentially sensitive data. This week, the Senate Commerce Committee held a paper hearing to examine how anonymized and aggregated data is being used to combat the spread of COVID-19.
IP Recap - 04/09/20
During these unprecedented times, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit is one of the many institutions taking steps to avoid the spread of COVID-19: shifting to telephonic proceedings, releasing live audio of oral arguments, restricting in-person access to court buildings, and modifying operations. But the court is continuing its work, issuing new opinions every day.
SBA’s Affiliation Rules Still Unclear for VC-Backed Startups
TLDR: The startup community is still waiting for clarity about whether venture capital-backed startups are eligible for small business loans included in the $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, despite suggestions by federal officials that the issue would be addressed shortly. To better understand the relationship between economic relief efforts and startups, we are asking companies to fill out a brief survey here to help determine how the government can clarify existing rules—such as the SBA’s affiliation rules—to better protect the nation’s startup ecosystem.
Startup News Digest 04/03/20
The Big Story: Treasury Department reportedly clarifying rules for VC-backed startups. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) told Axios yesterday that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is preparing to release guidance in the next few days, easing the rules around venture capital-backed startups and eligibility for small business loans included in the mammoth Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Applicants can start applying for those loans today, but there were concerns that existing Small Business Administration rules would have precluded many startups from applying.
COVID-19 Resources for Startups
TLDR: COVID-19 has put unprecedented stress on global health systems and the economy, but a variety of public and private institutions are offering resources and developing tools to try and help businesses. We have compiled a list of resources on our website to help startups navigate these uncertain times—from guidance on protecting the health and safety of teams, to information about accessing federal economic relief.
Startup News Digest 03/27/20
The Big Story: As startup funding declines, stimulus offers some relief. With seed-stage investments disappearing as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the $2 trillion stimulus package approved by the U.S. Senate this week offers some short-term relief for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and gig workers who are struggling as a result of the global economic downturn.
Senate Stimulus Package Should Protect Startups, Self-Employed
Startup News Digest 03/20/20
The Big Story: Websites working to combat COVID-19 misinformation. Large social media platforms warned this week that more user-generated content could be removed for policy violations as Internet companies increase their reliance on automated software to flag and remove harmful content in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. But despite the necessary move towards automated detection tools, online companies of all sizes are working to carefully balance concerns about their employees’ health with heightened efforts to combat the spread of false information, especially about the virus.