
As Deadline Looms, Student Debt Reform is Critical for a Boost in Entrepreneurship

As Deadline Looms, Student Debt Reform is Critical for a Boost in Entrepreneurship

Lawmakers and borrowers are pushing for further student loan relief, as the October 1 date approaches for the resumption of loan payments. Borrowers continue to assert that they are not yet in a place to make payments, which were paused interest free throughout the pandemic. And while the Biden administration has repeatedly argued for student debt forgiveness and fixes to the system, little progress has been made since he took office.

Startup News Digest 07/02/21

Startup News Digest 07/02/21

The Big Story: Global leaders land on tax deal that would create certainty for tech. Negotiations on a global tax regime came to a close on Thursday, with 130 countries and jurisdictions—including India, China, and Switzerland—agreeing to a deal supported by U.S. policymakers and technology companies that targets the world’s largest companies.

Proposals to Change Copyright Law: What Do They Mean for Startups?

Proposals to Change Copyright Law: What Do They Mean for Startups?

Every day, people use the Internet to create and share content with others across the globe—and those users, and the Internet companies they rely on, each depend on a copyright framework some policymakers are looking to change. Specifically, a few members of Congress indicated they may be willing to re-open Section 512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Unfortunately, the policy debate mostly revolves around large companies—both big tech companies and Internet platforms as well as large rightsholders in traditional content industries, like mainstream music or movies. But this area of the law is critical to all types of companies, Internet users, and creators. This post attempts to unpack some recent proposals, in an effort to help more stakeholders—especially tech startups—understand what is happening.

Startups Need Congress to Focus on Balance, Quality, and Inclusion When It Comes to IP

Startups Need Congress to Focus on Balance, Quality, and Inclusion When It Comes to IP

In letters this week to key congressional panels, Engine outlined startup-forward principles and priorities that we hope will guide Congress’s work on patent and copyright law this year. We wrote to the leaders of the Senate’s IP Subcommittee and the House Subcommittee on Courts, IP, and the Internet, encouraging each Subcommittee to promote and preserve balanced IP frameworks, emphasize patent quality, stress modernization, and advance diversity and inclusion.

Engine Releases Startup Agenda 2021

Engine Releases Startup Agenda 2021

It may sound like a cliched talking point, but it’s true—small businesses are the lifeblood of the U.S. economy. And that includes the small businesses of the technology sector, the thousands of innovative, tech-enabled, high-growth companies across the country that make up the U.S. startup ecosystem.

Statement on the Digital Copyright Act

Statement on the Digital Copyright Act

The Digital Copyright Act of 2021 from Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) proposes changes to copyright law that would be bad for startups that host user-generated content and the everyday Internet users and Internet-enabled creators they serve. As currently drafted, the bill would disrupt a statutory framework at the foundation of innovation, creative expression, and economic growth that would not have been possible twenty-five years ago.

Statement on the CASE Act’s inclusion in the omnibus spending bill

Statement on the CASE Act’s inclusion in the omnibus spending bill

We are disappointed by Congress’s decision to include controversial copyright legislation in the must-pass omnibus spending bill. As Engine and several smaller Internet platforms expressed earlier this month, “the CASE Act—as currently drafted—will be fundamentally unfair to and create substantial confusion for” everyday Internet users, small businesses, and Internet-enabled creators across the country. That bill would create an extra-judicial board where certain copyright holders could seek substantial damages—up to $30,000—over alleged copyright infringement.

Engine Asks Supreme Court To Ensure That the Patent Review Process Remains Available To Startups

Engine Asks Supreme Court To Ensure That the Patent Review Process Remains Available To Startups

Engine and the Electronic Frontier Foundation submitted an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court this week in United States v. Arthrex Inc. asking the Court to reconsider a Federal Circuit decision last year that found that administrative patent judges (APJs) of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) were unconstitutionally appointed.

Engine Submits Comments To USPTO on Proposed Changes That Would Weaken Patent Review

Engine Submits Comments To USPTO on Proposed Changes That Would Weaken Patent Review

Engine submitted comments to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office this week in response to the agency’s request for comment concerning the exercise of discretion to deny inter partes review (IPR) petitions. IPR makes it easier for startups and other small businesses to push back against frivolous lawsuits brought by patent trolls, but the USPTO’s proposal would codify current policies and practices that weaken the patent review process. This would make it more difficult for startups to challenge low-quality patents and open the door to further abusive litigation.

Engine Asks Supreme Court To Curtail Doctrine That Lets Low-Quality Patents Stand

Engine Asks Supreme Court To Curtail Doctrine That Lets Low-Quality Patents Stand

Engine submitted an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court this week asking the Court to reconsider the broad doctrine of “assignor estoppel,” which limits the ability of companies—especially startups—to challenge the validity of certain low-quality patents asserted against them.

Engine Submits Comments To USTR on China’s Compliance With WTO Commitments

Engine Submits Comments To USTR on China’s Compliance With WTO Commitments

On both the domestic and global scale, startups need balanced, certain IP frameworks and policies which allow the free flow of data in order to grow and succeed. While efforts currently underway in China signal some potential progress on those fronts, there are indications that China’s evolving policy landscape may continue to present impediments to startups hoping to grow across the world.

Congressional Startup Day 2020

Congressional Startup Day 2020

During the second week of August, more than 40 members of Congress met with over 100 entrepreneurs across the United States as part of Congressional Startup Day. This annual, bipartisan celebration of startups brings together founders and policymakers to discuss the challenges and successes of entrepreneurship in America. Although the COVID-19 outbreak forced many of the meetings this year to be held virtually, lawmakers still spent the week around Congressional Startup Day conversing with entrepreneurs in their states and districts about the policy needs of startups—particularly about the ways in which Congress can better support the country’s startup community amidst the pandemic.

Engine and R Street File Amicus Brief Urging Court to Prevent Gamesmanship in Patent Damages

Engine and R Street File Amicus Brief Urging Court to Prevent Gamesmanship in Patent Damages

Patent litigation is notoriously expensive and can last for years. For startups in particular, the high costs and risks of these lawsuits are difficult to cover. Startups already operate on thin margins, and do not have excess resources to spend on legal fees or settlements arising from frivolous patent assertions. The mere existence of litigation (or a patent demand) also forces startups to divert attention from R&D, makes it difficult for startups to attract customers and investors, and can cause drops in valuation.

The Importance of DMCA for Startups

The Importance of DMCA for Startups

Section 512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) is a landmark law that has provided startups, copyright holders, and Internet users with a balanced framework to address allegations of online infringement. But Congress is considering revising the law, and in that process it is critical for policymakers to carefully consider the importance of the DMCA to the startups and creators that rely on its protections.

Startups Are Using Emerging Technologies to Confront the COVID-19 Pandemic

Startups Are Using Emerging Technologies to Confront the COVID-19 Pandemic

As Americans continue to confront the challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic, startup founders are doing everything they can to support efforts to respond to the pandemic. We spoke with two startup founders who are working to leverage emerging technologies—including nanotechnology and automation—for the public good.