Access to Capital

Startups Looking to Policymakers to Craft a Roadmap for Recovery

Startups Looking to Policymakers to Craft a Roadmap for Recovery

TLDR: As the year draws to a close, Congress has yet to cross the finish line on another much-needed relief package to provide economic relief for Americans, including small businesses and entrepreneurs. But even as a bipartisan group of policymakers introduces a two-part relief package this week, U.S. entrepreneurs are still eagerly waiting for assistance that will help ensure the long-term survival of the country’s startup ecosystem.

Startup News Digest 11/13/20

Startup News Digest 11/13/20

The Big Story: Recognizing the contributions of veteran entrepreneurs. Each year, almost 200,000 service members transition to civilian life. Armed with leadership skills, technical knowledge, and problem-solving capabilities, many of these veterans choose to launch their own startups and small businesses as a way of using their military experience to further serve the public good. In fact, the U.S. Small Business Administration has found that veterans “are at least 45 percent more likely than those with no active duty military experience to be self-employed.” With more than 2.5 million U.S. businesses owned by veterans—approximately 9.1 percent of the nation’s private sector companies—it is especially critical that these entrepreneurs and founders receive the attention and support that they need to thrive. As we reflect on Veterans Day and the contributions of those who have served our country, Engine wanted to take the opportunity to also celebrate just some of the contributions of veteran-led startups across the United States.

Congress Turns Attention Back to COVID Relief During Lame-Duck Session

Congress Turns Attention Back to COVID Relief During Lame-Duck Session

TLDR: As Congress returns to work following President-elect Joe Biden’s victory last week, policymakers may finally be turning their attention back to providing economic relief to Americans affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Small businesses and U.S. workers have already waited months for policymakers to offer a viable stimulus package, and it’s well past time for lawmakers to unite behind a proposal that provides long-term support for the nation’s startup ecosystem.

Startup News Digest 10/23/20

Startup News Digest 10/23/20

The Big Story: COVID relief talks stall as startups still wait for support. The Trump administration and Congress are continuing to discuss the framework of a bipartisan coronavirus relief package to support struggling small businesses and Americans, although the lack of progress on an agreement means that a stimulus deal is unlikely until after the presidential election on Nov. 3rd. With startups and small businesses in need of economic support to weather the pandemic’s economic uncertainty, entrepreneurs are calling for policymakers to provide more-targeted relief proposals in the much-needed stimulus package being discussed.

Startups Need Lawmakers to Find a Roadmap for Recovery

Startups Need Lawmakers to Find a Roadmap for Recovery

TLDR: U.S. startups are in need of further economic relief to support their business operations amid the coronavirus pandemic. In a recent survey conducted by Engine, a majority of respondents who received federal assistance said the financial support they obtained was insufficient, and entrepreneurs voiced support for a variety of more-targeted policy proposals—such as equity investments, forgivable loans, a startup fund, tax credits, and grants—that could help provide them with the assistance they need during this difficult time.

Startup News Digest 10/09/20

Startup News Digest 10/09/20

The Big Story: House antitrust report suggests sweeping changes to tech landscape. After spending the past 16 months investigating allegations of anti-competitive practices by Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google, the House Judiciary Committee’s Democratic leadership this week released a 449 page report proposing that lawmakers overhaul existing U.S. antitrust laws, including limiting large tech firms’ ability to acquire startups. While policymakers proposed taking a variety of steps to address claims of market dominance and abuse—such as breaking up the largest firms and providing more regulatory authority and resources to federal agencies overseeing the tech industry—lawmakers must remain vigilant that their overall recommendations do not harm competition by hindering startup growth and innovation.

Startup News Digest 09/18/20

Startup News Digest 09/18/20

The Big Story: Acquisitions, content moderation become focus of antitrust hearing. A Senate antitrust panel held a hearing this week to examine the impact of Google’s online advertising market on competition, but in what is becoming a routine occurrence, policymakers shifted their focus to other areas, spending considerable time airing unrelated and unsupported claims about Google’s supposed anti-conservative bias and the alleged harms of acquisitions.

Struggling U.S. Startups Still Waiting for Viable Relief Package

Struggling U.S. Startups Still Waiting for Viable Relief Package

TLDR: Congress is back in session following the August recess, and Senate Republicans plan to vote as soon as tomorrow on a “skinny” coronavirus relief package. It is widely recognized, however, that the legislation is unlikely to advance through the House. That’s why it’s important for lawmakers from both sides of the aisle to work together to craft a legislative package that strengthens small business loan programs and provides long-term support for the nation’s startup community.

Startup News Digest 08/28/20

Startup News Digest 08/28/20

The Big Story: SEC’s accredited investor update a good first step for startups. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission this week updated its “accredited investor” rules—which govern who can invest in early-stage, privately held firms—to allow individuals who do not meet the existing wealth threshold to participate in private capital markets. The previous rules only allowed individuals who earned more than $200,000 per year, or had a net worth of over $1 million, to qualify as accredited investors. The updated rule expands the definition so that potential investors are not judged only by their wealth, but by other features—such as having relevant knowledge and expertise—that can make it easier for qualified individuals to invest in startups.

Negotiations on Relief Package Must Include Startup Voice

Negotiations on Relief Package Must Include Startup Voice

TLDR: Policymakers and Trump administration officials are holding discussions this week about the impending coronavirus relief package, but the lack of progress on a deal means that Americans and entrepreneurs are still waiting for much-needed support. As deliberations continue, lawmakers should consider a variety of proposals to strengthen currently available small business loan programs and pursue policies that will position startups and entrepreneurs to survive for the long-term.

Startup News Digest 07/31/20

Startup News Digest 07/31/20

The Big Story: Messy ‘Big Tech’ hearing fails to address startup competition. Big tech CEOs were in the hot seat this week during a House antitrust hearing ostensibly about anti-competitive practices. Instead, however, lawmakers used the opportunity to air a variety of grievances against large tech firms without offering a coherent plan for policymaking that could benefit the U.S. startup ecosystem. While some of the members of the House Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee used Wednesday’s hearing with the CEOs of Amazon, Apple, Google, and Facebook to address startup concerns, the hearing clearly demonstrated that policymakers need to rethink their approach to competition policy by listening to the concerns of the entrepreneurial community if they truly want to support startup growth and innovation.

Startup News Digest 07/24/20

Startup News Digest 07/24/20

The Big Story: In order to promote tech competition, Congress needs to hear from startups. While a planned House antitrust panel next week featuring the CEOs of Amazon, Apple, Google, and Facebook has reportedly been postponed, the startup community is still paying close attention to ongoing congressional discussions about allegations of anti-competitive practices by the country’s largest tech firms. Recent history has shown that efforts to combat the perceived dominance of a few tech firms often have counterproductive outcomes, and policymakers need to factor the U.S. startup community into their work moving forward.

Next Coronavirus Relief Package Should Address Startup Concerns

Next Coronavirus Relief Package Should Address Startup Concerns

TLDR: When Congress returns from recess later this month, policymakers must ensure that they are effectively supporting startups in their fourth coronavirus relief package. In order to protect our nation’s startup ecosystem, however, Congress needs to look beyond currently available small business loan programs and examine other policy proposals that will enable startups and entrepreneurs to survive the pandemic’s economic fallout.

Startup News Digest 07/02/20

Startup News Digest 07/02/20

The Big Story: Congress extends small business loan program, but startups still need relief. Congress this week extended the deadline for startups and small businesses to apply for emergency funding from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), just hours before the loan program was set to expire. Under the measure, the U.S. Small Business Administration can continue to approve and offer PPP loans until August 8th to startups and small businesses that have been financially harmed by the coronavirus pandemic.

Engine Hosts Town Hall With Rep. David Schweikert and Arizona Startups

Engine Hosts Town Hall With Rep. David Schweikert and Arizona Startups

With many small businesses struggling as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, startups are stepping in to offer free services to help small firms navigate the economic uncertainty. Whether it’s opening up their platforms to keep small businesses engaged with their local communities, or aggregating available resources and federal loan information for struggling firms, startup founders are using their knowledge, experience, and services to support other entrepreneurs in need of assistance.

Startups Changing Their Business Models in Response to COVID-19

Startups Changing Their Business Models in Response to COVID-19

As Americans struggle to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, hundreds of startups all across the country are leveraging their tools, resources, and services to aid medical researchers and businesses in need of immediate assistance. Engine spoke with four entrepreneurs who pivoted their business practices to better support those affected by the ongoing pandemic. This is the first post in a series on startups and entrepreneurs who are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Engine Statement on House Passage of Capital Access Bills

Engine Statement on House Passage of Capital Access Bills

Today, the House of Representatives passed a package of bills that will improve the capital access landscape for innovators across the country, including the Micro Offering Safe Harbor Act (H.R.4850) and the Private Placement Improvement Act of 2016 (H.R.4852). With the approval of these two bills, the House has now passed four of Engine’s 2016 legislative priorities related to capital access. 

An Opportunity to Fix Crowdfunding Before It Falters

An Opportunity to Fix Crowdfunding Before It Falters

On May 16, 2016, regulation crowdfunding will go into effect, meaning for the first time ever,anyone can invest in a startup through an online platform. This is big. Until Congress passed the JOBS Act  in 2012, buying an equity stake in a company required being fairly wealthy or having a pre-existing relationship with the entrepreneurs raising capital. But the Internet has dramatically changed the way entrepreneurs share their ideas and connect with potential investors. With the JOBS Act, the law finally caught up as well – or it almost did.

Engine Statement on House Passage of the HALOS Act

Engine Statement on House Passage of the HALOS Act

Engine applauds the U.S. House of Representatives’ passage of the Helping Angels Lead Our Startups (HALOS) Act. The bill, which was approved by a wide margin of 325-89, would clarify regulatory ambiguities around general solicitation, making it easier for startups to publicly showcase their ideas without unintentionally running afoul of securities laws.