
Startup News Digest 09/10/21

Startup News Digest 09/10/21

The Big Story: Global governments complicate content moderation. This week, governments across the globe zeroed in on how companies treat user content online, with several countries advancing policies that would make content hosting and moderation more difficult for Internet companies and hinder free expression online.

Startup News Digest 08/27/21

Startup News Digest 08/27/21

The Big Story: Startups should watch as Congress works on reconciliation bill. The House this week moved ahead with two major legislative packages that will have varying impacts on the U.S. startup ecosystem. On Tuesday, the House voted to approve a budget resolution creating a path for Congress to write its $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill, which could include immigration, childcare, and tax provisions. It also set a deadline to vote on the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill in late September, which includes billions of dollars for broadband expansion.

Startup News Digest 08/20/21

Startup News Digest 08/20/21

The Big Story: Congressional Startup Day brings policymakers and innovators together. This week, members of Congress and startups across the country celebrated Congressional Startup Day, the annual bipartisan, bicameral celebration giving startups a chance to connect with the members of Congress who represent them and identify the ways in which policymakers can encourage innovation and entrepreneurship.

Startup News Digest 08/13/21

Startup News Digest 08/13/21

The Big Story: Senate passes infrastructure bill, but crypto problems remain. This week, the Senate approved the bipartisan infrastructure bill, which has several provisions aimed at making broadband more accessible and affordable across the country, increasing opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship. While those provisions are a big win for the startup ecosystem, the bill also contains a contentious provision that would create compliance burdens and data collection requirements on a large part of the cryptocurrency community.

Startup News Digest 08/06/21

Startup News Digest 08/06/21

The Big Story: Senate setting up broadband boost as part of infrastructure package. As the Senate moves toward passing the $1 trillion infrastructure bill, startups stand to gain from provisions in the bill that would increase reliable, accessible, and affordable broadband across the country. Although the bill has faced hurdles as it is being considered on the Senate floor—including significant pushback from the cryptocurrency community—the bill overall is a win for startups and Internet users.

Startup News Digest 07/30/21

Startup News Digest 07/30/21

The Big Story: LIKE Act provides hope for startup visas

A new bill in Congress would create more opportunities for foreign-born innovators and strengthen our diverse startup ecosystem. This week, Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), chair of the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship, introduced the Let Immigrants Kickstart Employment (LIKE) Act, legislation that would enable foreign-born innovators who meet certain investment benchmarks to embark on their entrepreneurial endeavors in the U.S., while also providing them with a pathway to permanent residency. A startup visa is more critical than ever, as other countries continue to attract founders through visas and investment in entrepreneurial infrastructure.

Startup News Digest 07/23/21

Startup News Digest 07/23/21

The Big Story: Patent Quality Week examines startups’ need for balance. Today we close out our inaugural Patent Quality Week where we partnered with numerous organizations to showcase the importance of patent quality from a variety of perspectives and industries.

Startup News Digest 07/16/21

Startup News Digest 07/16/21

The Big Story: As Congress pushes ahead on infrastructure, startups stand to gain. Congress has the chance to move the ball forward on an infrastructure package that if passed, would provide billions of dollars for several categories of infrastructure, including roads and bridges, electric vehicles, cybersecurity, and broadband—a major win for startups.

Engine Adds Key Senior Staff Position to Growing Team

Engine Adds Key Senior Staff Position to Growing Team

I am excited to announce today that Paul Geller has joined our team as Engine’s new Managing Director. Paul will focus on corporate outreach, and joins Engine as a startup veteran who spent the last few years building technology applications for fashion and retail brands in New York. He previously served on the Audio Board of the Consumer Technology Association and as a partner at Hangar.

PRESS RELEASE: Evan Engstrom to become new Acting Executive Director


January 14, 2016


Rob Haralson for Engine Advocacy

(202) 251-3322, rharalson@franklinsquaregroup.com


Engine Advocacy Announces New Leadership

Evan Engstrom, Policy Director, to take on new role as Acting Executive Director


SAN FRANCISCO - January 14, 2016 - The Board of Directors of Engine, the policy advocacy group and research foundation focused on tech entrepreneurship, today announced that it has appointed Evan Engstrom as the organization’s new Acting Executive Director. Evan has served as Engine’s Policy Director since 2014. Julie Samuels, who is stepping down as the organization’s Executive Director, will remain as President of Engine’s Board of Directors and will be closely involved in the organization’s strategy and operation.

“Not only has Evan played a pivotal role in shaping Engine’s policies, he has also worked diligently to help grow the organization’s presence and has consistently demonstrated the leadership qualities necessary to lead Engine as the team continues to champion issues important to startups,” said board member Marvin Ammori. “Engine plays a critical role representing startups in policy debates, and we are excited to see the continued growth of the organization with Evan at the helm.”

Prior to joining Engine, Evan was an attorney at Farella Braun + Martel in San Francisco, focusing on copyright and other intellectual property litigation matters. At Farella, Evan litigated several high-profile Digital Millennium Copyright Act cases, defending websites and ISPs against claims for secondary copyright liability.

He is a graduate of Harvard Law School and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

“Since its inception, Engine Advocacy has played an important role in shaping the discussions around key policy issues affecting the startup community,” said Engstrom. “2016 will undoubtedly bring a continued focus on issues surrounding patent reform, copyright, taxes, data localization, privacy and encryption, and newer technologies such as drones, driverless cars and platforms that are advancing the sharing economy. Along with the entire Engine team, I look forward to engaging on these and other important issues to ensure this vibrant community continues to have a voice in Washington and beyond.”


About Engine Advocacy

Engine is a technology policy, research, and advocacy organization that bridges the gap between policymakers and startups, working with government and a community of high-technology, growth-oriented startups across the nation to support the development of entrepreneurship. Engine creates an environment where technological innovation and entrepreneurship thrive by providing knowledge about the startup economy and constructing smarter public policy. To that end, Engine conducts research, organizes events, and spearheads campaigns to educate elected officials, the entrepreneur community, and the general public on issues vital to fostering technological innovation. To learn more, visit http://engine.is.

A Bit of Change, and Many Thanks


I’m writing today because my day-to-day role with Engine is ending in late September, and I have a lot of people to thank. From the early days of SOPA/PIPA, through JOBS Act, through the release of our first economic reports, Startup Days on the Hill, Keep Us Here, Fix Patents, Net Neutrality and so much more, I'm proud that Engine has built lasting impact in our community and I’m confident that, going forward, Engine will continue to be a leader at the intersection of technology and policy and politics. And while I could not be more proud of helping shepherd that growth to this point, I also know we didn’t do it alone, and it is a testament to the hard work of this startup community across the U.S. that we, as a community, are better today and positioned positively for tomorrow and beyond.

If you have made a phone call, signed a petition, sent a tweet, advised privately on what’s important to you, met with a member of Congress, or gotten involved in the myriad other ways so many entrepreneurs have, I want to express my gratitude that Engine could be there in some small way to help turn those thoughts and actions into a national network for change for a community providing the backbone of America’s economic recovery. To our association and affiliate partners in these endeavors, it has been my highest privilege and distinct honor to fight these battles alongside you, and I look forward to doing so for many years to come.

And to my colleagues, who have taken a chance, have worked with us and helped this organization grow, I am particularly proud to be able to say we stood shoulder to shoulder, doing what we could in hopes of making our community and our country better.

While my day-to-day role is coming to a close, I’ll remain active as part of Engine’s advisory board, and look forward to continuing to grow this organization and support this community in that role. Now, more than ever, I’m confident in Engine’s continuing role in shaping this community’s further success, and can’t wait to see the results.

Startup Day Across America 2014


The story of startups isn’t just happening in the Bay Area or New York City. It’s happening all over the country, as we’ve learned through our growing “Startup Cities” initiative, our recent road trip with Steve Case highlighting the “Rise of the Rest,” the labor economic research we’ve done to highlight the growing impact young companies have on communities, our political work in Washington and around the country urging policymakers to support and create better conditions for startup growth.

At Engine, we’re committed to fighting from and for the startup community to grow opportunity and strengthen communities. And that’s why, for the second year running, we’re working with the Congressional Innovation Caucus and friends in our own community like 1776 and the National Venture Capital Association to come together and celebrate startups with Startup Day Across America. Startup Day is an opportunity for Members of Congress, their staff and other policymakers to meet with entrepreneurs, tour their businesses, and get a sense for how they are creating economic opportunity, right at home.

Last year’s Startup Day gave more than 100 members of Congress the opportunity to meet with startups in their home districts. This year, with events starting today, we’re hoping for even more participation from new places and new faces. We’ve got events on tap throughout the country, from Kansas City to Columbus, Brooklyn to Seattle and everywhere in between, with more being announced each day.

We’ll be pulling together highlights from these events throughout August both here and on our social channels. Make sure to follow #StartupDay on Twitter to watch startups and government coming together to learn from each other.

And, if you’re interested in hosting a Startup Day event in your hometown this August, let us know and we can connect you with your local Congressional office. (And if you call and do it on your own, let us know and post on #StartupDay!)

Memphis Soul Boosts Startup Economy


Last month, the Engine production team took a trip down South to experience for ourselves the vibrant local startup economy we’d been hearing about in Memphis, Tennessee. We had the opportunity to meet a number of local entrepreneurs, some based full-time in Memphis and some just in town for the summer, participating in an accelerator program at StartCo. Across the board, we found a group of extremely dedicated tech entrepreneurs, many working seven days a week, more than 12 hours a day, to ready their companies for launch -- and a community taking shape that is passionate about building a better future for the city.

Some founders were lifelong Memphians who had chosen to keep their companies there, aiming to bring jobs, vitality, and a new phase of entrepreneurship to their hometown. These founders spoke of Memphis’s rich business history and entrepreneurial spirit. St. Jude, FedEx, and Autozone are among the companies that call Memphis home, and many founders spoke about these companies with an excitement that seemed to inspire their own hard work and dedication. Within the community, we met logistics startups, saw innovation in the healthcare space, and heard about medical device accelerators in the area. These were companies obviously attracted to Memphis for the resources already built into the local economy.

We also found teams from all over the country who had come to reside in the center of downtown Memphis and take advantage of the startup ecosystem that has taken shape there within the last few years. Teams from places such as NYC and Silicon Valley had come to Memphis to focus on building their businesses, looking for a different pace and a less saturated market. They described their year-round homes as having a lot of noise, and they had come to Memphis for the summer to focus on building their product -- finding real benefit living in a place where they could find a little more calm. They were astounded by the abundance of resources at their disposal: talented mentors, investors, and other startup founders -- all ready and willing to help.  


This is not to say that Memphis is lacking a noise of its own -- we were able to meet with entrepreneurs in a variety of backdrops -- from their offices, to blues clubs on Beale Street, to the tops of their tents at BBQ Fest alongside the Mississippi River. The StartCo accelerator uses Memphis in May, an international festival showcasing arts, food, and music, as a networking opportunity for its companies. As one entrepreneur put it, “What better way to build relationships than over beer and barbeque?” By the end of our visit, we had to agree. There was a liveliness and enthusiasm -- at the festival on the river, as well as in the office, that was contagious.


As with the barbeque, startup founders have taken notice, and taken advantage, of the Southern hospitality they have encountered in Memphis. A very common theme in the interviews we conducted was the sense of community, kindness, and the willingness of anyone and everyone to help out. We spoke with the founders of eDivv from NYC, who told us “the best thing about Memphis is everyone knows each other, and everyone is willing to help. They want to see Memphis succeed. It’s a small community within a big city.” Layla Tabatabaie of BarterSugar agrees: “Of all the meetings I’ve had with local residents, professors, and others in the area, they’re all willing to help and they’re all very kind. I think that is something that is sometimes harder to find in places like New York.”

As a Memphian for the vast majority of my life, it was no surprise to hear about the close-knit community as well as the kindness of complete strangers. What I was surprised to hear, though, was how these ingredients of a place I lived for 18 years are fueling a new phase of growth in the local economy. I left for San Francisco without any knowledge of a startup community in Memphis, and it was not until I spent a couple of years involved in the community here that I began to take notice of the activity in my own hometown. It was very exciting to return to Memphis and discover such a vibrant community there -- one so diverse and different than that of Silicon Valley, and one that had not existed in the Memphis I knew.

Whether a lifelong Memphian, or a founder just in town for the summer, everyone we met had a personal interest in boosting the local economy. They hoped to create jobs and bring growth to local businesses, with a heartfelt interest in improving the community they had become a part of. Though the concept of technology startups reviving the local economy may be a fairly new one for Memphis, the passion and dedication of Memphians to make Memphis a better place is not. When we asked locals to sum up Memphis in one word, one we heard quite often was “soul”. It’s easy to see how the history and soul of Memphis are finding their way into a new chapter.  

Watch our Startup Cities, Memphis video here:

Evan Engstrom: Engine’s New Policy Director on Smart Policy

This is an incredibly important time for technology policy.

We're in the midst of what future generations of tech policy wonks will remember as the summer of net neutrality. But, it's not just policy nerds that recognize how important it is to preserve an open Internet. Citizens by the thousands have filed comments with the FCC—over a million comments in all—to weigh in on what is in large part a rather dry question of regulatory authority. Many of these folks have been moved to comment because they recognize that the economic, technological, and cultural advances of the past decade were possible because of the Internet’s freedom and openness, which allowed anyone with an idea and a little technical know-how to start a business with global reach.

While a positive outcome on net neutrality would go a long way to ensuring that future entrepreneurs remain free to innovate, we still have much work to do. In the coming years, we hope to see key changes to immigration policy, patent reform, copyright law, and other matters of great interest to the startup community. Being able to shape the direction of these issues is a thrilling prospect; it’s why I’m so excited to be joining Engine.

Engine is already one of the most respected voices on matters of tech policy from patent reform to access, and one of the only organizations addressing these issues from the perspective and the backyard of startups and entrepreneurs. As Engine’s new Policy Director, I’m looking forward to maintaining and expanding our focus, growing the policy team, and ensuring that when we weigh in on an issue, we are providing insights backed by concrete examples, data, and expertise. This is no simple task, but an important one.

Helping to craft policy today means both anticipating the future concerns of a sector that's moving faster than the law, and making sure that policymakers and the public understand the often complex technological issues involved.  We must ensure that policy solutions are strong enough to provide the certainty necessary to encourage investment while remaining flexible enough to efficiently adapt to changing technologies. To do so, it is crucial that we maintain a dialogue with entrepreneurs and investors to keep apprised of where technology innovation is headed and where technology policy must adapt to meet new needs.

Engine is uniquely situated to lead on these important issues.  As a policy shop tied to an advocacy organization with a research arm, and a community of over 500 startups, technologists, and investors, we are closely involved with the most innovative people and companies in the tech space today.  We will continue to foster a connection between startups and government. Engine is ready to lead the conversation on tech policy, and I’m eager to be a part of this important effort.


Nashville's Vibrant Community is No Surprise


Before this trip, I was already one of Nashville's biggest fans. I was lucky to go to school here and spend time in this amazing city. But what struck me today is how the things I love most about Nashville -- its welcoming attitude, its strong sense of community, and its appetite for arts and adventure -- have come together to build a vibrant, engaged, and diversified startup community. And, even more, how that community is helping to cement Nashville's position as one of the nation's most exciting places to be.

It's obvious that the close-knit and supportive community that exists here is driving its success. But it's more than just the startup community's success: it's the success of the whole city. This was true in the other places we visited this week -- but especially so in Nashville. One need look no further than the Trolley Barns, home to the Nashville Entrepreneur Center, the exciting epicenter of what's going on here (thanks in no small part to the community's biggest cheerleader, Michael Burcham). The Trolley Barns, 1930s-era buildings that, yes, did house they city's trollies, have been redeveloped as a home for startups, artists, and now restaurants and businesses. Just a few years ago, they existed in a part of the city devoid of commercial and residential activity. Now it's buzzing.

This was consistent with what we saw at Marathon Village and the BowTruss Building - formerly deserted and underused structures that have or are being renovated to house exciting new businesses, and are making new communities safe and successful. Just more proof that good startups are more than just good business, they're good community.

It's no surprise that Nashville, home for generations to some of the country's best artists, would also be home to some of its most exciting and disruptive startups. It has the support of civic leaders, like Burcham, and elected officials, like Gov. Haslam, who joined us today. And, like most successful communities, it has members who are engaged, helping their compatriots rise to the top, and encouraging them to plug back into the larger cities and communities in which they live.

Nashville, I always knew you had it in you.

Cincinnati's Renaissance


Cincinnati is going through a renaissance in the traditional sense of the word. Leveraging longstanding expertise in brand development, and belief in the power of consumer products and local manufacturing, this accessible city is embracing its artistic roots and rebuilding neighborhoods.

With Proctor and Gamble headquartered in Cincinnati, the city has long been the capital of consumer branding. Now, P&G is deeply involved with the next generation of great consumer products via grants to startup incubator Centrifuse, and mentorship responsibilities for a host of other businesses. Between big businesses getting involved, and the world-class industrial design program at the University of Cincinnati, this truly American city is poised to take full part in the next wave of economic growth through serious innovation.

We started the day in the old brewery district visiting Roadtrippers - one of a few great success stories here. Having grown from 20 people to 140, the company (founded by an Englishman on a green card!) now occupies an entire building. But right down the road, there are still boarded-up homes and old warehouses -- fertile ground for community art projects, but also room for improvement!

Next we moved on to the infamous Over-the-Rhine district to visit The Brandery -- a successful incubator focused on -- you guessed it -- building great brands! As the story goes, the first time the Brandery founders came to tour the space, they took a bullet in their window. Here in Cincinnati, like Pittsburgh, deprived and dangerous neighborhoods are being reclaimed for widespread benefit. Jobs are being created, community services and social areas are being built, and the area is becoming more populated.

People (like Roadtrippers founder) moved to Cincinnati specifically to join the Brandery. In fact, half of the room at the Brandery fireside was made up of Cincinnati transplants. In addition to new faces, more people are staying who might have left a few years ago, and more people are moving back to be a part of what’s going on. All of this is just another testament to the power of entrepreneurship to revitalize the landscapes of our cities and bring jobs back to the rest of the country.

Strength Begets Strength in Startup Pittsburgh


Much like Detroit, Pittsburgh is an historic industrial city. And like Detroit again, when American manufacturing went into decline, so did the steel city. But Pittsburgh also has a long history as a center of advanced learning; with over fifty major university research departments in the city, focusing on topics from Information Technology to Life Sciences, Robotics, and Physics, the steel city’s new economy is being powered by academic research, and advanced manufacturing.

Despite these assets that prepare this city to be a leader in the next wave of technological innovation, Pittsburgh’s humility makes its people charming but can be one of its economy’s worst enemies. The story of what’s happening here is just not getting out.

Luckily, some success speaks for itself. Carnegie Mellon University spins out the most businesses per research dollar spent than any other university in the country; thirty companies have been started by faculty and students this year alone. Alongside the University of Pittsburgh, and others, the wealth of knowledge here -- seasoned academics, professionals, and young graduates -- provides the expertise to support the youth startup revolution spreading across the country. Pittsburgh is wisely using what already makes it strong.

At the working spaces we visited, and the pitch competition hosted by AlphaLab, we saw well-developed companies, many of which were involved in making and manufacturing tangible things. Pittsburgh’s tech scene is not about software. Positioning itself apart from  Silicon Valley, and not as an imitator, has been Pittsburgh’s strength.

There’s also a human story here. In the midst of their rising success, community members are working hard to make sure that the city’s growth benefits everyone in Pittsburgh.

We met Urban Innovation21, an unparalleled public-private partnership that supports entrepreneurial growth, while also connecting that growth to underserved communities. It’s exciting and inspiring to see the innovation economy being used to revitalize deprived and underrepresented constituencies. 

We also visited StartUptown, an incubator space that is helping Uptown grow from an historically disadvantaged neighborhood to an area known for its community and entrepreneurial culture. By thinking about how growth affects the broader community, and actually using the new economy to make the city better, StartUptown is a crucial piece of Pittsburgh’s future.

If Pittsburgh can tell the story of what’s being built here, it can only help accelerate their growth. And if Pittsburgh can tell the story of how they are using their talents to make their city better for everyone, they might just be able to redefine people’s perceptions of what “tech” means, and what it’s capable of doing.


It’s Morning in Detroit


This week we’re traveling with Steve Case on the Rise of the Rest road trip to celebrate entrepreneurship, in all its forms, across America. Every day we’ll post dispatches from the cities we’ve seen. Stay tuned for updates from Detroit, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, and Nashville.

Almost a century ago, Detroit was home to the transportation revolution and pioneering entrepreneurs like Henry Ford, but over time the city lost its way. Now this famous city is coming back with a new revolution focused on reimagining the city as the best version of itself: better infrastructure, stronger businesses and tighter communities. This story is one of regeneration, renewal, and rebirth.

We spent the morning touring spaces filled with great talent from Michigan’s universities (and across the country), and bursting with great passion for rebuilding this city. From the M@dison Building to Quicken Loans, DIME (Detroit Institute of Music Education), Detroit Labs and Bizdom, it’s clear how much energy Detroit has for its next incarnation. And then at Shinola -- a local company that produces watches, bicycles, leather goods, and journals -- we saw that the manufacturing heritage that once made Detroit is again making it a world leader.

As recently as 60 years ago, Detroit was one of the top high-growth cities in the nation. Now it has an incredible opportunity to take its heritage, to inspire and retain the skilled individuals that are coming out of Michigan’s universities (Michigan has more engineers per capita than any other state in the nation), and to play leapfrog.

Ironically, one of Detroit’s great strengths is that everyone had given up on it; the stories have been so bad that it’s galvanized America’s interest. The fact that it got so bad here has created a platform for an unusual level of excitement and a boundless sense of possibility.

Had the city not lost 60 percent of its population and gone bankrupt, if Detroit did not have the chance to start again from the beginning, and rebuild from the ground-up, we might have seen a very different city today. Cities like Austin have already been through this sort of rebirth; we know that this looks like.

Today Detroit looks like a very different place. We met with Gov. Dan Snyder, Mayor Mike Duggan, and civic leaders like Dan Gilbert. We toured co-working spaces and met investors and startups that are growing quickly – bringing jobs and excitement to Detroit. People are staying in the area, and moving back to Detroit from San Francisco and New York City to be a part of what’s happening here. The energy is palpable, and the dynamics of Detroit’s story are changing.

Detroit has a long history of innovation, and today we saw a vibrant community working hard to bring that tradition back to life. What remains is the task of bringing the automotive industry back into the fold. The industrial giants have the experience to help build a new Detroit, and this new Detroit has the power to breathe new life into these incumbent industries.

 The future is bright in Motor City. Good morning Detroit! 

President Obama and Rise of the Rest Both Highlight Pittsburgh


We were excited to learn that this week the President traveled to Pittsburgh to celebrate innovation with a visit to TechShop -- the firm that helps entrepreneurs and inventors build low-cost prototypes of their creations. Next week, we too will be in Pittsburgh and at TechShop as part of the Rise of the Rest road trip with Steve Case.

Signalling his support for more policies that encourage entrepreneurship, the President announced three executive actions designed to support advanced manufacturing and innovation:

  • $5 billion worth of advanced equipment in federal R&D facilities will be made available to innovators and startups to develop new technologies and launch new inventions. For example, entrepreneurs may be able to access NASA’s National Center for Advanced Manufacturing to produce the high-strength, defect-free joints required for cutting-edge aeronautics, and DOE’s Manufacturing Demonstration Facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory for collaborative projects in additive manufacturing, composites and carbon fiber, and other leading clean energy technologies.
  • Five Federal agencies will invest more than $150 million in research to support the Materials Genome Initiative, increasing the Administration’s investment in the manufacturing of game-changing advanced materials. The aim of the The Materials Genome Initiative is to cut in half the time it takes to develop novel materials that can fuel advanced manufacturing and bolster the 21st century American economy.
  • In response to the President’s call to action, more than 90 Mayors and local leaders have committed to the ‘Mayors Maker Challenge’. The promise is to expand access to physical locations and new manufacturing and prototyping equipment, support manufacturing entrepreneurship, and inspire young people to pursue careers in manufacturing and engineering.

Just as the President and leaders across the country are recognizing “makers”, and the importance of supporting entrepreneurship, we can’t wait to celebrate what’s being built right here in America. Check out our infographic here!

Watch Steve Case tell the story of what we’re doing and join us in Detroit, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, and Nashville, June 24-27.