Startup Week Across America


In partnership with Reps. Suzan K. DelBene, Susan Brooks, Yvette Clarke, Randy Hultgren, Jerry McNerney and Mimi Walters, Engine, the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, Economic Innovation Group, and the Center for American Entrepreneurship, we are excited to celebrate Startup Week Across America from August 20th through August 24th. We invite Representatives to meet with startups back home in their district to raise awareness for entrepreneurial activity and job creation. It is also an opportunity to discuss the importance of ingenuity and innovation to the American economy.

Fast-growing startup companies are not unique to places like Silicon Valley, Seattle or Boulder. Startups are rapidly developing right in your backyard. Across the nation, industries ranging from retail and health care to entertainment and education are being disrupted and reshaped by entrepreneurs in every community. They are reimagining the future by using technology to solve problems and to create innovative products and services.

In every district, there are dozens of entrepreneurs who have established job-creating startups. These dynamic companies act as entrepreneurial leaders, innovators, and job creators within our communities.

According to the Kauffman Foundation, startups are the driving force behind 2 million new jobs created annually in the United States. Such statistics are notable when you consider that a majority of our nation’s startup companies are younger than three years of age, and nearly 550,000 new entrepreneurs enter the American workforce each month. 

Interested in learning more?  Contact Engine's Jennifer Fox at